2 0 2 4   -   l o g o   &   b r a n d i n g   d e s i g n
Full logo and branding redesign for local restaurant, Provecho Mexican Grill.
After establishing their reputation in the community for authentic Mexican food and attentive service, it was time for the restaurant to take on a new visual identity to match their level of quality and professionalism.
Drafting Process:
The main things the client wanted to preserve were the general colors and the inclusion of an avocado in the name. My goal was to find a way to make these elements look more cohesive, legible, and representative of their authentic latin cuisine.
I explored many different styles and placements of the avocado. Since the client wanted to keep the use of an avocado as a letterform itself, I developed a logo family that offered a few cohesive arrangements of the logo that could be used for different scales and applications.
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